Sunday, 23 March 2014

The Refrain by Ashley Pullo

If I refuse to believe that this book is over, is it really over?

If I tell the author that she needs to go back to the drawing board just so I can get her to write more about these characters, is that cruel?

If I send this book to every single person I know, will we form a support group for all things Zach Attack?

If I manage to 'get' science and create a time-machine, will someone make sure I go back to the exact moment I heard about this author and make sure I have her promise not to annihilate my heart?

It's been three days, and I'm not even remotely over The Refrain. I've cried some really ugly tears because of this real, honest, stunning, heartbreakingly beautiful story. I'm having a really tough time letting go. It's kind of like your one true love. It changes you. It makes you whole. And it will consume you.


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