Thursday 21 March 2013

Reaper's Property by Joanna Wylde

This book was recommended to me by an agent, after I begged for good reading material (I was in a slump!). I really haven’t had a chance to update my reviews for my recent reads, but this is the one I'll start the 'updating' process with. This was my first foray into 'biker bad-boys' and I really (REALLY) liked it.

The characters were a bit grittier than what I’m used to, but I have to admit that I loved them. I get that Horse was written as the ultimate bad-ass, but there was something truly endearing about him when he had anything to do with Marie. I found myself cringing at some of the descriptive dialogue but I realize that it was necessary for this story. I think if the author had been more subdued in her writing, the characters would not have been believable.

My life is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum from these characters. I can’t vouch for anything to do with biker clubs so I won’t even try. To that point though, there was something extremely relatable to the story. Regardless of what one might say, I think all women want to be taken care of, though at times, Horse takes it to the extreme. Personally, I’m all for a great love story, but what I really appreciated that Horse didn’t turn into a wuss the moment he got together with Marie. This might not seem like a big thing, but I believe if an author is only working towards the HEA, they don’t always honor the characters that they put all this effort into developing. In this case, Horse stayed true to his first ‘family’ but found a way to incorporate the woman he loved into it.

I read this book in a frenzy, but I was aware enough to know that I’d read it again.

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